Gulbrandsen Technologies enters vaccine market with aluminum-based adjuvants

Gulbrandsen Technologies is currently building a new facility for the production of aluminum-based adjuvants at its current site…

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Gulbrandsen Technologies Recognized for Sustainability Efforts in Preventing Pollution

A Responsible Care logo-holding company since 2016, Gulbrandsen Technologies, Inc. (GTI) has received an additional recognition from the…

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Gulbrandsen Technologies (GTI) drives culture of continuous learning with new Foundations for the Future training in India and Indonesia

GTI recently invested in two large-scale training events at its Gujarat, India facility and the new plant in…

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Check out the events around the world that Gulbrandsen Technologies is attending or participating in this year!

"Gulbrandsen Technologies has built a better plant with better technology than their competitors - Welcome to Jakarta"

- Indonesia Customer at the Grand Opening Ceremony

Case Studies

See how Gulbrandsen Technologies helps real-life customers every day by creating integrated solutions & ensuring highest quality levels, while prioritizing speed and value-addition.

Getting from good ideas to great products…FAST
A Case Study in Speed to Market
Personal Care brands must be able to produce, package, and deliver new concepts as quickly as possible in order to stay ahead of the competition. Partnering with Gulbrandsen Technologies helped this major brand move their idea to full product commercialization within 6 months.
Collaborative Innovation
  • Six months to full commercialization

  • 30% increase in speed to market

  • Launched in more than 20 countries

  • Captured market share before competitors could respond

A Case Study in Partnership and Trust
Evaluation of aluminum sulfate (alum) vs. Poly-aluminum Chloride in municipal water treatment plant
Plant experienced recurring pH problem at least 3-4 times during summer months when low alkalinity conditions set in. Partnering with GTI helped identify and treat seasonal alkalinity problem with new coagulant.
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Improved Efficiency and Costs, Better Results
  • Improved effectiveness at pH >7

  • Reduced chemical dosage

  • Lowered total chemical costs

  • Lower residual aluminum levels in treated water

  • Zero lime dosage required for post-treatment pH adjustment

  • Improved corrosive index of the treated water from <6 pH to >6 pH

Customer partners with GTI to identify and treat cyanobacteria issue in raw water source
A Case Study in Quick Response, Successful Trial and Product Conversion
Plant’s daily consumption of GTI PAC1 coagulant more than doubled for reasons unknown. Gulbrandsen Technologies helped customer identify problem and treat cyanobacteria issue in raw water source.
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On-Site Problem Solving
  • Source water pH stabilized

  • Filter run times improved

  • Improved chlorine residual in finished water

  • Turbidity goals maintained

Building regional capacity in response to growing customer demand
Increased Speed and Resilience of Supply
In response to growing regional demand for clean water and health/wellness products, GTI recently expanded its global capacity with a new manufacturing plant in Indonesia. By ensuring reliable supply to local municipalities and manufacturers, GTI is now helping to improve health outcomes throughout this developing geography.
Security of Supply at the Speed of Innovation
  • Two years from concept to fully commissioned plant

  • >50% increased global production capacity = additional security of supply

  • 3-4 weeks reduced lead times for all customers in Asia

Switch to Sulphated PAC treatment results in major customer benefits
Double Digit Operational Improvements, Efficiency Gains and Cost Reduction
Increase in Aluminum dosage caused high residual Alum in treated water, which depressed alkalinity, requiring higher dose of hydrated lime. Switching to Aluminum Clorohydrate (ACH) liquid drove up costs, while causing other operational issues. GTI helped customer implement Sulphated PAC treatment, improving overall plant performance and treatment costs.
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Optimal Technology = Optimal Results:
  • 20-25% savings in coagulant costs

  • Lowered the treated water cost

  • Plant returned to full capacity at 60MLD

  • Filter runs increased by ~41%

  • Backwash water loss savings of ~ 1,000 m3 per month

  • Improved residual aluminum at compliance levels < 0.2 ppm

  • Reduction in pH depression resulting in 15% savings in lime

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